Gemini-2 Videos
MP4 Videos

1. Accessing the Web interface.
2.  How to change site name using Web interface and saving site names. The associated web page.
3. Accessing micro-SDcard using Win7 File Explorer
4. and 5.  Movies 4 and 5 will show how to add catalogs into the hand controller, using FTP.
The fourth movie shows putting the catalog file into the micro-SDcard of the Main Gemini-2 unit. 
The Fifth movie shows using the hand controller to get the catalog from the main unit into the hand controller.  The catalog was from

6. and 7. The Sixth Video  shows how to install the Gemini Firmware updater.  First download GFU.exe and put it into a clean directory.  Then right mouse click on it and select extract.  Then follow the steps in this movie.
The Seventh Video shows how to run the GFU program and install the Gemini-2 firmware using it.

8. and 9.  The eight movie shows how to remove and install the Micro SDcard in the older style hand controller.  The ninth movie show how to remove and replace the Micro SDcard in the main unit.  You can also see this page that shows pictures step by step for both the older hand controller and Main Gemini 2 unit.

Video 10 is how to set the site names. Here is a link to it: setsites.mp4  It is also available on Youtube.

Videos by Scott Losmandy