Frequently Asked Questions about Gemini 1
Click on questions to go to answer |
1. Warning about parking the mount and leaving power on. |
2. Why does Gemini Stop and wait for startup instructions if the hand controller is not present? |
3. What is a ground loop and how can you test for one? |
4. How do you disable Gemini modeling, to use T-Point or ACP |
5. Is it possible to use more than one USB-serial adapter at one time on a laptop? |
6. How do you install the ASCOM Driver in TheSKY6? |
7. How do you determine the Com Port of a connected USB to Serial Adapter and change it? |
8. What is the different between the old and new autoguider ports? |
9. How do you get Windows 2000, XP, Vista & Win7 to show all the com ports that have been allocated? |
10. What are the changes between L4V1.02 and L4V1.04 EPROMS? |
11. How do you determine if the RS232 chip in Gemini is bad? |
12. Can you run Gemini safely with no the motors connected? |
13. What will cause Gemini to shut down the hand controller or not boot up? |
14. What do the red dots on the hand controller mean during boot? |
15. How do you measure the CMOS RAM chip battery voltage and partial schematic? |
16. How should the guide cable from a ShoeStringAstronomy GPUSB be wired for Gemini 2 or Gemini 1? |
17. How to test Gemini-1 guider input circuit. |
18. What type of Battery do Gemini 1 and Gemini-2 units use? |
19. Suggested replacement for the hand controller cable for Gemini-1. |
20. Extending the battery life of the 3V battery in an Gemini-1. This will also possibly help fix CMOS resets. |
21. Some sources of Gemini-1 Power plug. |
22. What does it take to add a second communication port to Gemini Controller? |
23. Suggested replacement for the 4 pin Gemini-1 CONN CIRCULAR DIN 4 PIN MALE power connector. |
24. How to replace the encoder in the original Losmandy servo motor, by Rainer Ehlert. |
25. Part numbers for the slide power switches on Gemini-1 units |
Answers |
1. Warning about parking the mount and leaving power on. |
Answer: WARNING: Gemini-1 has several Startup modes. If your habit is to leave Gemini-1 powered on and parked when not in use, then you should always make sure that you use one of the two options below. This is because if you have a power failure, and then power is restored, and the mount is in Cold Start, Warm Start, or Warm Restart, then the RA motor will start running at the tracking rate, and can possibility run your telescope into your roof, the mount, or a limit, without you knowing about it until too late: a. Set your startup mode to "ASK IF POSSIBLE", or b. Put the telescope into terrestrial mode tracking after parking. Just remember to switch it back to Sidereal mode when starting up again. This is the safest option. |
2. Why does Gemini Stop and wait for startup instructions if the hand controller is not present? |
Answer: Gemini unit has to have either the hand controller or an external computer to tell it which mode to boot in. When Gemini initializes, it looks to see if a hand controller is connected, or some other type of communications adapter is connected to the DB15 pin connector. If it detects a hand controller, then it will go ahead and send out the display commands to the hand controller. If a hand controller is not present, then Gemini will stop and wait for a signal from either the normal RS-232 port or the Second Serial Port, to tell it that a computer or PDA or some kind of controlling device is present. The controlling device has to be able to tell Gemini what mode to start up in. |
3. What is a ground loop and how can you test for one? |
Answer: A ground loop is a difference of potential in voltage between connected devices. It is normal to have a small difference due to the resistance in cables and connectors. However it should not be more than 1 volt in practice. Here is a good article that explains ground loops:
Ground Loops Article
and how to test for one. Ground loops and power supplies are tricky. Take these steps to find out if you have possible ground loops:
The best way to eliminate ground loops is to have all the neutral (ground) DC output of every device tied to a central point, through a heavy (12 Gauge) wire. The central point when using a Gemini would be Gemini ground input pins. This is not easy to alway do. The next best is opto or magnetic isolated inputs to the Guider and RS232 inputs. If you do do a central ground between your devices, consider puting in a ground rod at least 8 ft deep next to the central point into the ground. This can help prevent static damage. The best preventive measure is to use an isolated RS232 or USB adapters and Guiders with Gemini. They can eliminate ground loops. I use one on all inputs to my Gemini. One word on note: Gemini's with the slide switch for power do not have the electronics grounded to the case. Gemini's with the Toggle switch do have the electronics grounded to the case. |
4. How do you disable Gemini modeling, to use T-Point or ACP |
Answer: If using the ASCOM driver for your mount? Go into the driver setup and click first on the "Modeling Parameters" button. This should show all zeros. If it does not, click on "Clear Parameters" and store the clear out in your Gemini. Now go back to the main setup window and click on "Advanced Setup". In the top right of the window that opens you should see a check box with "Sync Mode Affects Model (Additional Align)". Make sure this is UN-checked. Otherwise every time you do a sync you will be adding to a Gemini model which would adversely interact with the TPoint model. While you are in there, uncheck precession and refraction calculations, as TheSky does this itself. |
5. Is it possible to use more than one USB-serial adapter at one time on a laptop? |
Answer: Yes. You can use as many as you have USB ports. Please note that each
one will be assigned a Serial port number according to which one is plugged into which
port. Each USB to Serial Adapter has a unique serial number. So lets say that your
first RS-232 adapter has serial number 2001 and your second has serial number 4001.
Lets also say that you have 3 USB ports on your laptop called 1, 2 and 3.
Now lets say that you plug RS-232 #2001 adapter into USB port 1. The computer might
assign it Com port 3,
Now lets say that you unplug adapter #2001 and plug in adapter 4001 into USB port 1, The computer might assign it to Com 4. Now lets say that you plug adapter #2001 into USB port #2. The computer might assign it to Com 5. As you can see, XP uses the adapters serial number and which USB port to assign the serial ports. My recommendation is mark each adapter to which USB port you are plugging it into, and always use the same setup. That way you will continue to use the same predictable com port setting. |
6. How do you install the ASCOM Driver in TheSKY6? |
Answer: If you downloaded the
TeleAPI package from the ASCOM web site, Downloads
section, Plugins, the zip file you have contains a ReadMe file that says:
This plugin allows Software Bisque's TheSky to communicate with ASCOM-compliant telescopes via TheSky's "TeleAPI" feature. Installation
7. How do you determine the Com Port of a connected USB to Serial Adapter and change it? |
Answer: These instructions work only for Windows XP.
8. What is the different between the old and new auto-guider ports? |
Answer: Directly from the manual:
4.2.1 The Autoguider Port I highly recommend the USB Guide Port interface for OLD Gemini called GPUSB-AH from if you have the older version of Gemini-1 boards, which have RJ-12 jacks for motor connectors. You will also need the correct guide cable to go with it. The one supplied by S-Big if you have a SBig camera will not work. |
9. How do you get Windows 2000, XP, Vista & Win7 to show all the com ports that have been allocated? |
Answer: Windows does not normally show non-connected devices in device manager. This is even true if you turn on show hidden devices under the view tab. Before you do this change, be for warned - that this will let you modify/delete devices that you might not want changed or deleted. You do this at your own risk!
For 2000 and XP:
The trick was to open the Command Prompt as administrator and start the Device Manager from the same command prompt.
Now if you expand the section on COM ports, all the COM ports that have ever been created will be displayed, the non present ones being in grey. You can uninstall away anything that you don’t want (right click, select uninstall). |
10. What are the changes between L4V1.02 and L4V1.04 EPROMS? |
Answer: This version has the following updates over L4V1.02:
11. How do you determine if the RS232 chip in Gemini is bad? |
![]() When this RS-232 chips in Gemini-1 units go bad, it is normally the negative pump that goes bad. This produces the -5V power to allow the signal that this chip put out, to go from -5V to +5V when working correctly. Now when the negative pump goes bad, there is no -5V. This means that the signal can only go from 0V to +5V. It will eventually draw more and more current. It also gets very hot. It will someday destroy itself, but it will take quite a bit of time. I have seen where one actually burnt a hole in the board, destroying the traces underneath it. I always recommend replacing it, if you can. ![]() |
12. Can you run Gemini safely with no the motors connected? |
Answer: Yes you can power up Gemini without the motors connected. You will get motor stall/stopped errors. You can stop these errors by putting Gemini in the terrestrial mode. Setup->>Mount Parameters->>Tracking Speed->>None/Terrestrial. |
13. What will cause Gemini to shut down the handcontroller or not boot? |
![]() If Gemini-1 will not boot, it could be U3 gone bad. This chip's pin out is really simple. Pin 1 is GND, pin2 is +5V and pin 3 is its RESET\ signal, so the main CPU waits for pin 3 to get to high level. To check if U3 is defective you could solder it off and look if Gemini boot process proceeds without it. If yes, you should definitely replace the chip, since it is needed for voltage brown-out detection, too. This is necessary not only for a clean startup but also to save all the data for Warm (Re)Starts. Its part number is MPC809. |
14. What do the red dots on the hand controller mean during boot? |
Answer: The characters at boot time indicate the boot
progress and conditions detected. 1st dot: internal resources and display initialized 2nd dot: power good, voltage stabilized 3rd dot: SRAM accessible (otherwise "SRAM failure !" will be displayed) X: the content of the SRAM was reset to default values. R: RTC was reset ("RTC malfunction" displayed if RTC is not working) 4th dot: RTC initialized 5th dot: SRAM values loaded. "AG port defect ? " will be displayed if one or more AG signals are active. The X is to be expected after a version change, battery change, at low battery voltage and so on. Once it appears, a "CMOS reset" string is appended to the startup message, too. Since the initializing is done by the same subroutine as used by the Setup...Reset Defaults menu point, there is no need to take the battery out to renew the SRAM content. A side effect of pulling the battery out is that the RTC chip will stop working after a while and may then be initialized at the next startup. In case of problems you may first check and maybe set the UTC date and time and the ALARM time, too. |
If the second dot is not displayed and the boot process stops, the board
voltage does not stabilize at the nominal 5V voltage either F2 may have to
be replaced, or U3 has gone bad. Try to remove peripherals in this case (AG, serial
connection, feature port peripherals, axes encoders may draw too much
current) and boot again, to test and see if F2 is acting up.
U3, (image to the right) a MCP809-450 Voltage monitor can also keep Gemini-1 from booting past the first dot on the Deluxe Hand controller. This IC is used to shut down the system (a brown-out detector) and let values be stored so that Warm Restart works properly. About the only way to test for U3 being bad is to remove it. |
![]() |
There is a unused connection from the battery to an analogue input pin of the CPU to check the voltage - R32 was removed since the CPU chip drew some current from the battery while being powered off, shortening battery life. The above answers are a direct quote from René Also there is another known problem, which is C3 a 4.7uf 10Volt cap directly above the processor. This cap is what resets Gemini processor at power up. It is suppose to hold the Processor in reset while the power stabilizes. If it is not holding the processor in reset long enough, then the processor might not be starting up correctly. A quick test of this is to take a pair of fine needle nose-pliers/tweezers and short across this cap for about 1/2 sec. Then remove the pliers/tweezers. If Gemini then boots ok, it could be an indication that this cap is loosing it value, or it's pull-up resistor R45 (a 10K) value has also changed. This cap has also been known to break loose from the circuit board. |
15. How do you measure the CMOS RAM chip battery voltage and partial schematic? |
![]() All of the +VB connect together. VCC is +5V. Also note that the battery type in the schematic is shown as CR2354 but the schematic is the same for units with battery type CR2032. |
16. How should the guide cable from a ShoeAstronomy GPUSB be wired for Gemini 2 or Gemini 1? |
Answer: Here is a link to a wiring diagram provided with the permission if ShoeStringAstronomy that tells how to make the cable that goes from the GPUSB or GPUSB-AH into Gemini-2 or Gemini-1. Note that only the GPUSB is compatible with Gemini-2, or Gemini-1 with round motor cables. Here is the link to the guide_port_cables.pdf. |
17. How to test Gemini-1 guider input circuit. |
![]() Now if you make a test cable where you can short each input going into the Guider Jack, one at a time, to Guider Pin 2, and put a voltmeter on the output side of the Hex inverter, you can test each input to see if it is working. Lets say we short pins 2 and 3 together on the input. This would put a low signal level on pin one of the IC U23. When this happens the pin 2 of this IC should change from a low (around 0 volts) to something between 4 and 5 volts. If you do this to all the input pins one at a time, and all the output are good, then the guider circuit is ok. If none of the outputs change, then either the IC U23 or R42 is open. You can test to see if R42 is open by using an ohmmeter (with power off on Gemini-1) and see if it measures 100 ohms. If it does, then more than likely U23 has gone bad. Note: U23 is not an easy IC to replace. It is a surface mount IC. The best way is to cut off the leads one at a time, then remove the body, and then un-solder each lead. Do not use too much heat, as you can lift the runs and also damage the runs that run under the IC. It is best to let a professional do this. Hope this helps eliminate your problems. |
18. What type of Battery do Gemini 1 and Gemini-2 units use? |
Answer: Gemini-1 has used 2 different types of batteries. In any of the units that have a slide switch for power, the
Battery is a CR-2032. It the newer Gemini-1 units that use a
toggle switch for power, the battery is a CR-2354. The battery in Gemini-2 is a CR-2354. This battery powers the Real Time Clock and SRAM. After replacing this battery, you need to power up Gemini-2 and then set the time. When setting the time, remember to do the store setting, or it will not be saved. This is because the processor will drain the battery if this is not done. It is a known flaw that is documented in the data sheet for the processor that is being used in Gemini-2 units. |
19. A suggested hand controller cable replacement for Gemini-1. |
Answer: A suggested replacement is available from with part number 10D2-01210 |
20. Extending the battery life of the 3V battery in an Gemini-1. This will also possibly help fix CMOS resets. |
I (René) can offer a solution now. Gemini's SRAM is not only used to store user catalogues and the observation logs, but also an amount of parameters and matrices used for the modeling algorithm. So it has a size of 128 KByte and is accessed (also for writing) very often, far exceeding size and reprogramming life time of an EEPROM. Normally, the Li CR2032 battery should last at least one year and should keep the SRAM content safe and the RTC running. If CMOS Resets occur after some minutes even with a fresh battery or battery lifetime is significantly shorter than one year, I recommend the following patch for the electronically inclined: 1) Buy a small 39k resistor (with wires, not SMD) 2) Solder it between pin 2 (the second from above at the left side) and pin 9 (the down most at the left side) of the EPSON real time clock chip labeled U2. The left side of the RTC is next to the SRAM chip U9. You can do this on the component side or the soldering side of the board. Power Gemini on/off. Wait. The CMOS resets should be gone. 3) Remove R38 to save Li battery power. Check again. This was tested with three different boards, one of them had CMOS Resets. All work fine. Scott has put out a movie on changing the battery. |
21. Some sources of Gemini-1 power plug. |
Answer: These links was provided by Brendon on the Losmandy
Users Group
22. What does it take to add a second communication port to Gemini Controller? |
Answer: This can now be done using the ASCOM driver. This driver has the capability of supporting a virtual serial port driver (called a Pass-Through port) such as VSPE. With this driver, you can add any non-ASCOM program and have it talk to the Gemini in parallel with the ASCOM programs. This question used to be about the USB/RS232 Isolated to Gemini-1 HandController adapter. These units are no longer being manufactured. Here are some suggestions for Isolated adapters substitute and a USB to DB15 adapter to provide a 2nd communications port into Gemini 1.
23. Suggested replacement for the 4 pin Gemini-1 CONN CIRCULAR DIN 4 PIN MALE power connector. |
Answer: DigiKey Electronics still sells a part Called CONN CIRCULAR DIN 4 MALE There part number is CP-1040-ND or and search for 490-SD-40 |
24. How to replace the encoder in the original Losmandy servo motor, by Rainer Ehlert |
How to disassemble a Gemini Servo Motor, by Rainer Ehlert (pdf) |
25. Part numbers for the slide power switches on Gemini-1 units |
Answer: These switches are from CK switches. The original switches has gold contacts that is rated only are 0.4amps. The part number is: 611-1101M2S3CBE2 Mouser Electronics has them here . They also carry a silver contact version that is rated at 6.0 amps. It's part number is 611 - 1101M2S3CQE2. Mouser Electronic has these here. I selected the silver myself for replacing mine. |